Vegan Cheesy Potato Pierogi

Pierogi are the perfect side for any holiday dinner. They are slightly labour intensive to make, but it's such a fun way to spend time with loved ones! Here's how we fo it the LTF way.


For the dough:

3 cups all purpose flour

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup water

1/4 cup margarine or vegan butter (melted)


For the filling:

3 medium potatoes, cubed (Feel free to leave the skins on! They're the most nutritious part.)

3/4 cup LTF Cashew Cream Cheese (Choose your favourite flavour! We love Sharp Cheddar, Sour Cream & Onion, or Garlic & Chive)

1-2 medium onions, chopped (optional)

2-3 garlic cloves, minced (optional)

Oil of choice for frying (optional)


For topping:

LTF Original Cashew Yogurt (perfect as a sour cream substitute)

Fresh green onions, chopped

Vegan bacon bits (store-bought or homemade)



1. For the dough, stir together the flour and salt. Add the water the (melted!) vegan margarine or butter. Knead mixture on a lightly floured surface for 5-7 minutes to form a dough, until all lumps are smoothed out. Let the dough sit in a sealed container while you make the filling.

2. (Optional) Caramelize the onions in oil over medium heat, about 20 minutes. Add in minced garlic for final 2-3 minutes.

3. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes until fork tender.

4. Mash LTF Cashew Cream Cheese into the potatoes. Stir in onions and garlic if applicable.

5. Once the dough has rested for approximately an hour, roll it out over a lightly floured surface. Cut into 3-3.5 inch circles. Gather extra pieces and re-roll as needed.

6. Scoop filling mixture onto dough circles, fold them in half, and tightly seal the edge with a fork. Use a press if you have one! 

7. In a large pot of boiling water, boil the pierogi until they float, which should only take approximately 4 minutes. Do not overcook, as they will start to fall apart!

8. (Optional) Fry the boiled pierogi for extra crispiness.

9. Serve with LTF Original Cashew Yogurt (or vegan sour cream of choice), chopped green onions, and/or vegan bacon bits. Enjoy!